Specials & Promotions

Check out the latest savings and promotional offers from Wyman Energy Services, Inc.. We’re happy to help customers in the Greater Hartford, Connecticut area save on heating fuel delivery and HVAC services with special deals, incentives, and rebate opportunities. At Wyman Energy, we routinely update our specials and promotions. Check back often to see how you can save on heating services, air conditioning services, fuel delivery, HVAC services, fuel oil delivery, propane delivery, budget plans, service plans, and much more with Wyman Energy in the Manchester, CT area.

Current Specials

Great Financing Options for A/C, Heating, & More


Competitive interest rates and low monthly payments are available through HVAC financing with Energize CT. Plus, you can get extra savings on new high-efficiency heating and air conditioning systems. Contact us to make your new HVAC installation easy and affordable.